Ubuntu – wget -O command not found


This is my first day using Ubuntu 12.04. I am using Ubuntu as it is the only operating system capable of hosting an app I created using the statistical software package R. I am trying to follow the (so far very helpful) commands given at the following site:


Everything runs fine until Step 6 – "Install Upstart script".

sudo wget\
-O /etc/init/shiny-server.conf

command not found

Any help as to why this error message is arising would be greatly appreciated. And sorry for the newbie question. Seriously only using Linux for a few hours.

Best Answer

Use this one :-)

sudo wget -O /etc/init/shiny-server.conf  https://raw.github.com/rstudio/shiny-server/master/config/upstart/shiny-server.conf

You might have had a stray space after the \ or forgot to leave some room before it. anyway, this line will work.

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