Ubuntu – Wallpaper is not changing and right click does not work on desktop in Ubuntu 14.04


Sorry if this question is already answered, but I have already searched and could not find a solution to my problem.

Recently I installed gnome-shell and ubuntu-gnome-desktop to try gnome. I then removed it using

sudo apt-get remove gnome-shell ubuntu-gnome-desktop.

From that moment I couldn't change my desktop wallpaper. Also, when I right click on my desktop it doesn't work.

I read in some links to check if xfdesktop is running…
In my ubuntu, that process is not running.
When I run xfdesktop from terminal, it gives me the following error:

SESSION_MANAGER environment variable is not defined. Failed to connect to session manager.

I don't know if it has any relation to my problem.

Another thing I observed is that gnome-system-monitor and gnome-session are still running on my ubuntu… why are they running if I want Unity only?

Is there any way to reset my ubuntu to as it was initially. But I have also installed some useful applications and packages in this, can I keep them even after resetting?

Thank you in advance!

Best Answer

I had the exact same problem.
Tried everything in the book!
This is what worked for me.
Hope your problem is solved soon.

gsettings set org.gnome.settings-daemon.plugins.background active true