Ubuntu – Wacom Bamboo Pen & Touch CTH-470 3+ finger gestures


I love my CTH-470 and I'm glad it's without having to spend hours in the Terminal to get it working since I believe 12.10 (which I'm running now). But in the manual it states that you can swipe with three or even four fingers.

However, I can't seem to find how to 'activate' this on Ubuntu.

  • Is this even possible?
  • If yes, how?
  • And if no, are there any plans to support this in the future?

Extra information:

$ xsetwacom --list devices
Wacom Bamboo 16FG 4x5 Pen stylus    id: 10  type: STYLUS    
Wacom Bamboo 16FG 4x5 Finger touch  id: 11  type: TOUCH     
Wacom Bamboo 16FG 4x5 Pen eraser    id: 13  type: ERASER    
Wacom Bamboo 16FG 4x5 Finger pad    id: 14  type: PAD  

Best Answer

According to an older post on the forum[1], it's better to use Ubuntu's native touch support and I will condense the information that fixed this issue:

Update or make sure you're using version 0.20.0 or above for xf86-input-wacom driver package:

xsetwacom -V

Install touchegg package:

sudo apt-get install touchegg

Turn OFF wacom's own touch guesture support so ubuntu's touchegg can take guesture control:

xsetwacom set "Wacom Bamboo 16FG 4x5 Finger touch" Gesture off

You may need to replace the name above in quotes with the name of your finger pen device name which you can find doing xsetwacom --list devices

Use the touchegg configuration tool or edit the touchegg configuration file to adjust timeouts as needed.

You should now have working multi-touch support.

[1] http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-2125990.html