Ubuntu – Wacom Bamboo Pen scaling issues


I recently purchased a Wacom Bamboo Pen. It worked out of the box with Ubuntu Natty Narwhal, but I'm annoyed with the fact that the tablet is proportional to the screen. This makes a little line on the tablet show up as a large line on my screen (I'm using xournal). Is there a way to make it so that there is no scaling between my screen and the tablet?

Best Answer

To answer your question for future readers:

You want to use the xsetwacom program and place it in your .xinitrc file in your home folder. The setting you want to use is called 'stylus' and the value should be set to 'Area'. Like so:

xsetwacom set stylus Area 0 0 1024 768
xsetwacom set eraser Area 0 0 1024 768

For example will set the area that the stylus device works in to be within those co-ordinates. You may also be interested in the non absolute setting which allows a different way of working with the pen.