Ubuntu – VNC Setup over SSH


can someone provide a step by step for vnc setup on ubuntu 10.10 desktop.
I have ssh access to it at the moment with root user.

I tried installing vnc4server package, then after that did a vncpasswd with root and setup a password of 7characters and once of 6characters.

Then forwarded vnc ports via ssh tunnels but at first it gave me the prompt to type vnc password and won't accept, now it just won't connect.

name of my ubuntudesktop = ubuntuhome (
name of my remote machine from where i want to connect from is = lockerpc

Which port shall I add in "Source and Destination" in Putty > SSH > Tunnels ?

in source I inputted localhost:5901 and in Destination IP Address (the private IP of my UbuntuDesktop

I can successfully ssh but not vnc.
will be grateful for your help.
Please if you can write the steps down for this scenario, as i have gone through a whole lot of links and its all very confusing.

Kind regards

Best Answer

I did not see from your description that you started the vnc server.

vncserver :1 -name "My-Server" -geometry 1600x1100

don't do that as root tho. Run is as a regular user. I have a similar post for setting up vnc4server on SuperUser.com: connecting via VNC

Now for the putty setup, the Source port should be 5901 and the Destination should be localhost:5901

When you connect from windows your command should look like this:

vncviewer.exe -connect Server:1
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