Ubuntu – VMware sharing folders between Win7 (host) and Ubuntu (guest)


What is the best way to share a folder between Win7 64bit (host) and Ubuntu 10.10 (guest) in VMware player?

I can setup the sharing just fine (using vmware-tools), but all shared files are root:root owned with 777 permission set. Which, well, sucks.

What can I do to have shared files with preserved ownership and permissions?

I'm guessing I would need some kind of a file container, that would get mounted in Ubuntu as a block device (if so, it would need to be dynamic, i.e. expand with size of contained files). But maybe there is a better solution?

Best Answer

Make A folder at Desktop & Make a link

Terminal. ln -s /mnt/hgfs/shared-directory ~/Desktop/Name-of-the-folder

You will have shared files with preserved ownership and permissions
