Ubuntu – Virt-Manager to Remote host – continuous password prompt over ssh


I setup KVM on a remote host, and have a few .iso files out there that I want to play with.

I setup Virt-manager initially on a Ubuntu-mate 15.10 machine, and it seemed to work fine (slow as heck starting the virtual machines) but worked.

Now, I'm trying to do the same with virt-manager from my Ubuntu 16.04 install, and first out of the gate I got a message that I needed ssh-askpass-gnome to be prompted for the password, so I installed it.

Now, when I start the Virt-Manager GUI monitor, it continuously prompts me for my SSH password, and the virtual machine never gets booted? Shouldn't it be booting "headless" when I run it without the monitor anyway?

So, 2 questions to clarify?

  1. why does it keep prompting for my ssh password? I know some people say use keys, but seriously…for new users like me, shouldn't the username password thing work on ssh for playing around?

  2. Why doesn't the VM boot "headless" before the monitor even starts?


BTW – I do have it set to use VNC over Spice…just in case anyone thought that might be the issue.

Best Answer

  • Shut down the guest machine.
  • In the 'Display' section, select All interfaces instead of 'Only localhost'.
  • Restart the guest machine
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