Ubuntu – Verifying Ubuntu on Windows 7 (total newbie)

gnupgwindows 7

Friends, I would like to specify my question a little bit, cause a lot of you give me suggestions that are already written in this page www.ubuntu.com/download/how-to-verify

What confused me is that tip in the 2nd step, where it says :

Tip: On non-Linux systems, you might need to download the GPG tools for this next step. To check if you have the GPG tools installed, run the command gpg –version or gpg2 –version.

Now, it's not written WHERE do I have to write these commands. At the beginning in that page it says "These instructions assume basic knowledge of the command line", so I assumed I needed to open a "Command prompt" program for that, is it right ?
I don't understand why isn't it mentioned in that tip, it is really confusing for a newbie like me. And the results that I get when writing these commands in the "Command prompt" are confusing as well. But knowing that the gnuPG has never ever been installed on my laptop I don't expect too much more.
But still it would be good if it was written in that tip what you should see if it's not installed AND that from Windows OS you have to open a Command prompt program to write these commands in.

Previous question

I want to install Ubuntu on my laptop. I downloaded the iso image and now I want to verify it. I currently have Windows 7 as OS on my computer.

In this page www.ubuntu.com/download/how-to-verify in the 2nd step there is this tip that says:

Tip: On non-Linux systems, you might need to download the GPG tools for this next step. To check if you have the GPG tools installed, run the command gpg –version or gpg2 –version.

Now as I understand I need to write gpg --version when I open the command promt program is that right?
I tried and it is unrecognized. But it's okay because I have never ever installed it on my laptop. The thing I worry a bit is am I doing it right? Do I need to use command prompt program for this?

 my command prompt image (click to see)

Best Answer

CertUtil (certutil.exe) is a preinstalled Windows command-line program that can be used to generate hash checksums:

certUtil -hashfile pathToFileToCheck [HashAlgorithm]

certutil.exe ships with Windows 7 and later. CertUtil supports MD2 MD4 MD5 SHA1 SHA256 SHA384 and SHA512 hash algorithms.

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