Ubuntu – Using Ubuntu-installed pc for commercial purpose


My computer has Ubuntu Desktop installed and I want to do graphics designing and web development for clients. That means I will use my computer for commercial gain. Does this violate any Ubuntu policies?

Especially I did not understand the mentioned paragraph in the given link:

7. Use of Canonical IP by the Ubuntu community

Ubuntu is built by Canonical and the Ubuntu community. We share access rights owned by Canonical with the Ubuntu community for the purposes of discussion, development and advocacy. We recognise that most of the open source discussion and development areas are for non-commercial purposes and we therefore allow the use of Canonical IP in this context, as long as there is no commercial use and that the Canonical IP is used in accordance with this IPRights Policy.

Best Answer

No, this does not refer to how you use Ubuntu, but rather how you distribute it. You can use your machine in any way you like basically as long as you don't start selling Ubuntu because it's not your IP (Intellectual Property).

That's all that this refers to, it's nothing for you to worry about, you can use your machine for commercial gain as long as you don't try to sell Ubuntu.

(To be precise the non-commercial clause you cite refers to the trademarks of and surrounding Ubuntu and its manufacturer Canonical. Since Ubuntu is distributed only with free open-source software, you're welcome to take Ubuntu, remove all references to its name and redistribute its software however you like – in accordance with their licenses – including for monetary gain).