Ubuntu – Using the ls command on an Ubuntu 14.04.10 server to explore the files


Very new to Linux, but I thought I understood file exploration from the command line.

The problem:
I can't figure out how to navigate my files or directories, the console isn't displaying any feedback when I type "ls" or "pwd" or "cd". Example:

tyler@ip-172-31-13-165:~$ cd /home/tyler
tyler@ip-172-31-13-165:~$ ls
tyler@ip-172-31-13-165:~$ ls /home/tyler

It's not showing me anything! How do I know what directories exist?

what I've done so far:
I have recently created a Ubuntu 14.04.1 micro instance with AWS, which I'll be using to practice webapp deployment. I am connecting to the instance via puTTy on Windows 7. I created a new user: tyler with sudo privileges, as follows:

What I want:
I want some way to explore the files/directories I've created/that have been created for me using the command line (I don't want to rely on a GUI).

Best Answer

No, the ls command does not work differently on server editions of Ubuntu.

What does work differently is that, by default, user creation on the server additions does not include populating the new user's home directory with folders such as Desktop (because there isn't one), Pictures and so on. So ls is simply telling you that there are currently no ordinary (non-hidden) files or directories within your home directory. If you want to see hidden files and directories, add the -A or -a flags e.g.

ls -A

See man ls

   -a, --all
          do not ignore entries starting with .

   -A, --almost-all
          do not list implied . and ..