Ubuntu – Using grep to print line numbers


I would like to use the grep command to print a line number for the string I'm searching for. However, when I used the command grep -n it prints the line number with a colon : next to it. Is there any way I can use the same grep -n command to print a line number with it being followed by the : colon?

$ grep -n 'Captain' sometextfile.txt
3: Captain America

I would like it to instead print,

3 Captain America

(without the ':' )

Any suggestions??

Best Answer

You can use sed along with grep to achieve this.

grep -n 'Captain' sometextfile.txt | sed 's/:/ /'

This sed command finds the pattern : and replaces it with (a space).

General Syntax - sed 's/find/replace/'

This method will replace only the first occurence of : in each line with . Therefore, even if a line in the text file contains :, it will remain unaffected.