Ubuntu – use Ubuntu for Clojure development


I want to learn Clojure and I want to use IntelliJ and the Cursive plugin.

Can I easily install all of these ?


Best Answer

Yes, you can (or in the case of Cursive soon be able to) instal these.

Clojure is available in the Universe repository, which should be enable by default. The most recent version available is 1.4, available in 13.10 and 14.04.

sudo apt-get install clojure1.4

12.04 has version 1.2.

sudo apt-get install clojure1.2

The most recent version of Clojure is 1.6. If you really need the newest version, you can download a binary in a jar file, which you can easily run from your home directory. It is also available in the official repositories from 15.04 onwards.

IntelliJ Idea is a commercial product, but Community edition is free. Even through it is free, it needs to purchased through the Software Center.

One note of warning, when starting IntelliJ you are likely to see a warning message saying that it should work with OpenJDK, but that it expects Oracle Java and that using OpenJDK is unsupported.

According to the Cursive website , is not yet available. It will be also be a commercial product, but they say it will work with the IntelliJ Community edition.