Ubuntu – use Ubuntu 18.04 Screen sharing with vino with Mac OS X Mojave Screen Shareing


I've set up Screen sharing on my Ubuntu 18.04, and VPN'd into my network remotely from my Mac. However when entering the correct vnc://… from Screen Sharing on my Mac, I get a message saying that the software on the remote machine is incompatible with this version of Screen Sharing on Mojave. However I've read online that this works. I've had tons of issues with TightVNC, just couldn't get it to work, kept on getting grey screens no matter what I tried

Best Answer

In the end I just had to disable encryption.

sudo gsettings set org.gnome.Vino require-encryption false

As a bonus note, you can check the value of require-encryption via the command:

gsettings list-recursively org.gnome.Vino | grep encrypt

To know more, this site is helpful: https://linuxconfig.org/ubuntu-remote-desktop-18-04-bionic-beaver-linux

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