Aurora PPA Firefox – Install Firefox Developer Edition Using Aurora PPA


I would like to get an auto-updating version of Firefox Developer Edition rather than a once-off installation. From comments on the announcement and this Mozilla ticket it appears that Firefox Developer Edition is a rebranding of Aurora (a stable pre-release channel).

In that case, can I just install the Firefox Aurora PPA which is maintained by the Ubuntu Mozilla Daily Build Team?

Best Answer

The OMG! Ubuntu! post covering the announcement notes that the version released is Aurora 35.0a2 which matches the version in the PPA, so it looks like this is the way to do it :)

Note that this method will replace your current Firefox installation. If you want to run "regular" Firefox and Developer Edition side-by-side you will have to install DE separately. I don't know of a PPA for this. (Unless you have a specific requirement to run them side-by-side, this shouldn't be necessary.)

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