Upgrading Ubuntu with Multiple Connections – How to Use wget


I wanna upgrade my Ubuntu from 11.04 to 12.04,but the internet is so slow when I use Synaptic or Update Manager,because they only make one connection to download packages like wget.( 6 ~ 7kbps ).

but when I use axel to download my speed is 160 kbps.

now I'm upgrading and it take 6days to be compelet by this speed.

is there any way to force it to use more than one connection to get packages?

Best Answer

Yes it is, using a program that is called apt-fast, How to from this site http://www.webupd8.org/2010/08/you-can-now-install-apt-fast-from-ppa.html

First run theses commands in terminal, put one line in at a time and hit enter, enter password when prompted.

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:tldm217/tahutek.net
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install apt-fast

After it is installed you can use apt-fast just like apt-get aka sudo apt-fast upgrade

They say it is a full syntax replacement, so try it with any situation you would use apt-get I haven't had it fail yet, but if something does go wrong try apt-fast clean , by default it has like 4 connections, I read here that you can customize it for more here http://nvarona.blogspot.com/2011/01/accelerating-ubuntu-apt-get.html

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