Ubuntu – Upgraded to 11.04 and now most of the UI is gray and boxy


I just upgraded to 11.04, and now most UI elements are gray and crappy looking (see screenshot).

When I first log in, the panel looks black (as Ambiance theme is supposed to look), but then after a second it turns gray and crappy-looking. Title bars of windows seem to be fine, but everything else seems messed up.

I've tried changing my theme in the "appearance" settings and it doesn't do anything besides change the title bars, and in 11.04 I can't seem to find any other settings related to this.

How can I fix this to look like it's supposed to look (default 11.04 theme)?
Crappy UI widgets

Best Answer

Using the answer to the question @Uri Herrera linked in his comment, I couldn't fix the issue.

However, one of the answers did point to a bug that tracks this issue, and I found a comment on the bug that solved it for me.

Here are the key bits:

First, create a bash script (I named it /etc/xdg/autostart/gnomesettingsdaemonfix.sh)


pid=$(pgrep gnome-settings-)

while [ -n "$pid" ];
  pid=$(pgrep gnome-settings-)
  sleep 0

exit 0

Make sure it is executable (run chmod +x).

Then edit /etc/xdg/autostart/gnome-settings-daemon.desktop

Change the Exec line to:

Exec=bash -c 'bash /etc/xdg/autostart/gnomesettingsdaemonfix.sh; /usr/lib/gnome-settings-daemon/gnome-settings-daemon

That seems to have fixed it so far for me.