Ubuntu – Upgrade Server 18.04 to desktop as minimal installation


How can I install Ubuntu Desktop 18.04 from a Server 18.04 image without any of the extra software installed (minimal installation)?

Best Answer

I suggest that you start from an old style server iso file (with the Debian installer), that you find at


  • Install a minimal system (without any extry program package).

  • Boot into the minimal system and install Ubuntu desktop

    sudo apt update
    sudo apt full-upgrade
    sudo apt install ubuntu-desktop

    After rebooting you should have Ubuntu. I don't know what you mean by a minimal installation, and I don't know why you want to start from Ubuntu Server.

    You can install a simple window manager instead of the Ubuntu desktop to get a very light graphical system, that you can start with startx,

    sudo apt install fluxbox xinit xterm

    or you try with

    sudo apt install --no-install-recommends ubuntu-desktop

    which might produce what you want.

  • You get other light-weight desktop environments via

    sudo apt install lubuntu-core
    sudo apt install xubuntu-core
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