Ubuntu – Upgrade Linux in VMware


I use Ubuntu in virtual machine. My current version of Ubuntu is 14.04, I want to upgrade it to the latest version which is 16.04.

I opened Software Updater, it checked for update and said:

The software on this computer is up to date, however Ubuntu 16.04.1 LTS is now available.

So I clicked the upgrade button and entered my password.

BUT it failed, nothing happened.

I repeated a couple of times, still the same result.

Any idea how to fix this?

Best Answer

To upgrade from one version to another, first you need to prepare your system, I mean, updating and upgrading. If not, you wont be able to upgrade.

System preparation

Just in case repositories are disabled (if they are, you wont be able to update), go to

Main Menu: System > Administration > Software Sources.

It will display you a window, that must look like this one.

enter image description here

Tick all of em like in the pic!

Now we are going to update the system. Be sure you have conection to internet, and open a terminal prompt (ctl + alt + T). Run:

sudo apt-get update

Once updating had finished, let's upgrade the system. In the same terminal prompt run:

sudo apt-get upgrade

Wait until the prompt finishes.

Upgrading to 16.04

If all of this worked without erros, you must be able to upgrade to 16.04. In the same terminal prompt, just run:

sudo do-release-upgrade

Now you can sit and relax, the upgrade will take some time.

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