Ubuntu – Unzipping large file: bad zipfile offset (local header sig)


I am unzipping a file with approximately 3 million single text files – the zip-file itself is around 12 GB in size. It's not multi-part – it's just one large zip file btw. I do not have the original data – all I have is the zipped file which means I cannot try to zip the content again (just so you know).

The problem is that as I unzip, at some point, I get

file #1207565:  bad zipfile offset (local header sig):  9570252890
file #1207566:  bad zipfile offset (local header sig):  9570254437
file #1207567:  bad zipfile offset (local header sig):  9570255044
file #1207568:  bad zipfile offset (local header sig):  9570256141
file #1207569:  bad zipfile offset (local header sig):  9570256786
file #1207570:  bad zipfile offset (local header sig):  9570257539

This does not seem to affect every subfolder or file respectively in the archive but for a lot of them the process seems to fail.

At this point it's hard for me to guess if the packing or the unpacking is the problem

Are there any workarounds I could try on my side?

Best Answer

I ran into the same problem - a huge zip file with a lot of files - and unzip choked trying to unpack it. A possible solution is to use java archiver. Just unpack your stuff with jar xvf file.zip