Ubuntu – Unreadable font on Gmail since recent updates in Chromium


Since recent updates in the past two or three days, many of my incoming emails have become unreadable in Gmail.


  • This happens only in Chromium (in Gmail). If I open the affected emails in Firefox Gmail, I can read them OK.
  • If I change the zoom, whether larger or smaller, I can read the email. But at 100%, I cannot.
  • The problem started only a couple of days ago (yesterday, I think).
  • Not all emails have this problem. I don't know what separates those that do from those that don't.
  • The emails render perfectly on both Windows 7 (Chrome) and Lubuntu 14.04 (Chromium).

See the screen-shots:

100% (parts of letters, and entire letters, are missing):

Zoom 100%

90% (readable, though not entirely clear):

Zoom 90%

110% (also readable, though not entirely clear):

Zoom 110%

The letters are crystal clear on both Windows and Lubuntu.

Presumably, it is something to do with the fonts. But I don't know even where to begin fixing this readability problem.

Please help.

  • I'm using Ubuntu 14.04 64-bit, fully updated

Best Answer

I had a similar issue with Google Chrome and Outlook.com (I know different site & slightly different browser, but the code should help). Adding this code to ~/.config/fontconfig/fonts.conf (it may need to be created) fixed the issue for me:

<match target="font" >
    <edit name="embeddedbitmap" mode="assign">

This isn't original with me, but I cannot remember where I found the answer as it's been awhile (I just copied my file to here). All I remember is that my searches had to do with Calibri. Hope this helps.

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