Ubuntu – Unity launcher not triggered with Super key


I just started using my new Dell XPS 13 Developers Eddition with Ubuntu 16.04. I am used to triggering the Unity Launcher with the Super / Windows key, and triggering the list of shortcuts by holding that key. However, with the default setup, hitting Super alone does nothing. In addition, when I try assigning Super to trigger the Unity launcher from unity-tweak-tool it will not let me (though I can assign an trigger it with another key).

Notice that in unity-tweak-tool, nothing shows up as the shotcut for "Show the launcher". If I click "Restore defaults" it is the same.

enter image description here

I have also confirmed that the Super works fine when paired with other keys.

Is there any way for me to trigger the Unity launcher with Super as has been the default in t he past? I am also curious why it would not be working out of the box.

Best Answer

Maybe Dell changed some things, I'd ask them 1st if the laptop came with Ubuntu.

Otherwise install compizconfig-settings-manager & look in the unity plugin > Launcher, see screen. The x button on far right sets to default which is Super & enabled.

enter image description here

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