Ubuntu – Unity is not working properly because unity-panel-service was not found


I've downloaded some updates for Ubuntu 11.10 and, after I restarted my computer to the changes take effect, I've realized that the Unity interface was not working properly. The left panel (where the apps stay), and the top bar was also not appearing. I've restarted my computer again but the things stood the way they were.

Well, then I tried to force Unity to run via terminal, but when I try unityor unity --reset, the first message that appears is "unity-panel-service: process not found". When I type unity-panel-service on terminal, it also says it is not found.

Then I searched about it on the web and got this page (http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/oneiric/man1/unity-panel-service.1.html) which says that unity panel service is the process responsible for loading the panels that are missing.

So, my question is, how can I re-download or reinstall it so unity can work again? Or,
of course, if I'm wrong and the reason unity is not working is not that, please tell me 🙂

Best Answer

I had a similar issue due to a broken graphics driver which didn't go away when I reinstalled fglrx. I eventually stumbled upon the solution: The unity plugin had been disabled in the compiz settings!

Fixed by running ccsm then enabling the Unity plugin and disabling any conflicts.

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