Unity GUI – Fix Unity GUI Pauses/Freezes for a Few Seconds


I've just got my new Lenovo ThinkPad X220 with Intel HD graphics (I'm not sure what the chip is) and I've installed Natty. Everything works great out of the box, except there are short pauses/freezes in the UI that randomly occur, they last less than 2 seconds, actions are still taking place in the background (like typing) when the UI un-freezes I can see the characters I've typed, the app I've clicked, loaded .

I can confirm that this is only happening with the new Natty 3D interface, I've tried 2D and the classic interface and there were no issues.

Googling this topic seems challenging as I can't relate the problem in keywords. And I keep getting results relating to full GUI freeze which I don't have.

This is troubling since I have Natty 3D running on older machines without any issues .

I wonder if anybody else have experienced this or came across this issue before.


Best Answer

I've found the solution (and the source of the problem) it seems something to do with the intel driver, and apparently it has been fixed in newer kernels not yet released to 11.04.

the quick fix is to run the following:

echo 1 | sudo tee /sys/module/i915/parameters/semaphores

this temporarily fixed the problem for me, but the setting is reset after reboot. to set it permanently try the puting this option in /etc/default/grub

replace following line:



GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet splash i915.semaphores=1"

then update grub:

sudo update-grub
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