Ubuntu – Unable to run Ubuntu on a MSI laptop without disabling ACPI


I own a MSI GP62 6QE-260XFR, which is a laptop featuring an i5-6300HQ CPU and a GTX 950M graphics card, sold without OS.

I've installed Windows 10 on a partition. It works just fine. My problem is that I'm unable to run a Linux OS without the acpi=off boot option.

The boot error is the following:

ACPI : EC: Fail in evaluating the _REG object of EC device. Broken bios is suspected.

I've managed to install and run Ubuntu on a partition thanks to this guide (in French) for recent MSI computers. It basically consisted in:

  • Disabling CPU C-States in BIOS
  • Running an Ubuntu Live USB with the following boot options: nouveau.blacklist=1 acpi=off before quiet splash
  • Installing Ubuntu
  • Running the installed OS with the same boot options
  • Updating the system and installing NVIDIA drivers

By then I should have been able to run Ubuntu without acpi=off, but I get the same error message as before. I've installed the latest version of the kernel (4.4.1), hoping it would be more compatible with my PC but the problem is the same.

Thanks to the ACPI being disabled, I can't see battery levels, which makes Ubuntu a bit unusable. Does someone know what I should do?

Best Answer

I have the same Nvidia GTX 950 M graphics card and I made it work following:

sudo apt-get purge nvidia*  
sudo reboot

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:graphics-drivers/ppa
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install nvidia-361 
sudo reboot  

I didn't specified any such params and I had just blacklisted nouveau and nothing else. My laptop is working all fine. I upgraded to kernel 4.2.5 for wifi issues.

Please refer to this thread for more info.