Ubuntu – Unable to run mksdcard SDK tool ubuntu 16, 2016

androidpermissionssoftware installation

Followed How to install Android Studio on Ubuntu? to install android studio. But get error (hardware : aspire e15 E5-573G):

Downloading android-sdk_r22.6.2-linux.tgz from
https://dl.google.com/android/android-sdk_r22.6.2-linux.tgz Unpacking
android-sdk_r22.6.2-linux.tgz tar xzvfC

Unable to run mksdcard SDK tool.

Its a new ubuntu install. just used firefox and the text editor. have used ubuntu before (a year ago) but first time with android studio. i had to launch android with sudo command in /opt folder

then moved to ~/apps (a new folder in home folder, did a :

sudo chmod 777 *
sudo chmod -R 777 *

But still same error.

sudo apt-get install lib32z1 lib32ncurses5 lib32bz2-1.0 lib32stdc++6

Best Answer

From other answers found and ran

A. steps at : https://askubuntu.com/a/253946/165511

  1. Kill the process named apt-get:

    killall -9 apt-get
    1. Reconfigure dpkg:
    dpkg --configure -a
    1. Update apt-get:
    apt-get update
    1. Update packages, including those improperly installed:
    apt-get upgrade

B. Was able to run :

sudo apt-get install lib32stdc++6

C. When that did not work realized it was a permissoins issue too: had moved the folder from /opt to ~ but had not changed owner.

chmod -R android-studio

Then ran the studio again ./android-studio/bin/studio.sh