Ubuntu – Unable to mount XP share: Error NT_STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL

mountsambasharevpnwindows xp

I'm failing with mounting XP share, receiving message:

mount error(110): Connection timed out

Refer to the mount.cifs(8) manual page (e.g. man mount.cifs)

When I try to list shares with smbclient, finally I receive message:

Running timed event "tevent_req_timedout" 0x7f2902964ad0

Error connecting to (Success)

lang_tdb_init: /usr/share/samba/en_US:en.msg: No such file or


Connection to failed (Error NT_STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL)

I wasn't able to find solution, could anyone advise?


  • I'm trying to mount share of NT-domain machine with XP which is accessed via VPN. While my ubuntu machine is still in default WORKGROUP. Is this possible at all?
  • Connection to target machine could be established, f.e. I can connect to it via RDP.
  • Command executed to mount:
    mount -t cifs // /media/share_name -o username=XPDomainUsername,password=XPDomainPassword,workgroup=XPDomainName
  • Command executed to list shares:
    smbclient -L // -U XPDomainName\\XPDomainUsername --debuglevel=10

Best Answer

You might have to specify the IP address separately because most Windows servers require you to specify the NetBIOS name too, e.g.

smbclient -L XPHostName -I -U XPDomainName\\XPDomainUsername --debuglevel=10