Ubuntu – “Unable to mount location. Failed to mount Windows share” error when trying to share folders


I have two Ubuntu machines both on 11.10

I want to share folders from one to the other.

If, on the server machine, (in Nautilus) I right click on the folders and click Properties> Share > Share this folder > Create share.

Then on the client I'm prompted for a username and password. My username and password does not work.

If I select "Guest access" check box then I get "Unable to mount location. Failed to mount Windows share"

This should be straightforward, right?

Best Answer

I had a similar problem and found that it was because of permissions on folders above the one that I was trying to share.

For example if you are trying to share:


Check that the permissions of the /media and /media/shared folders are 755 (drwxr-xr-x) or similar that allows the group and others to execute (open) the folder.

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