Ubuntu – Unable to load pages in web browsers


Using Ubuntu 11.10, I am having a problem browsing web pages. I tested my connection by pinging different sites. All of them reply to me, but my browsers do not work. The problem is not specific to one browser, as I have tested both Firefox and Chromium.

This is the wget output when run in Terminal:

wget ubuntu.com
Resolving ubuntu.com... Connecting to ubuntu.com||:80

No error is raised. What do I have to do?

Thanks for every bodies answers.

My problem was from IPV6 activat.

Open the firefox browser and type:


Press accept button with the text I'll be careful, I promiss!

then enter IPV6 in filter field. just one entry remain in list with text network.dns.disableIPv6. Right click on this and press Toggle. the value field must be true.

After, take logout and logon again.

Now test again!

I did the above stream.It got solve for some minutes but the problem started again.

So now I have not the page loading in my ubuntu.

Best Answer

The problem was related to IPv6.

  1. In Firefox's URL bar type: about:config

  2. Click the button with the text I'll be careful, I promise!

  3. Enter IPv6 in the filter field. Just one entry named network.dns.disableIPv6 should remain in the list.

  4. Right click on this and press Toggle. The value must be true.

After that, logout and login again, and it should work.

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