Ubuntu Emergency Mode – Ubuntu Won’t Start, Emergency Mode


Hello guys I installed Windows 10 on my laptop (toshiba satelite c660) and after that I ran live version of Ubuntu and restored GRUB (with official boot repair tool) so I can start Ubuntu again, after if I choose ubuntu to be booted in GRUB it goes to ubuntu and stucks at boot screen, and after some time I get this message:

Link to picture

Best Answer

Solution was simple problem was that Windows has that new type of shutdown (hibernate) so my HDD was still mounted in windows so Ubuntu couldn't load partitions.

Solution is simple and if you have this problem you can do next in Windows :

  1. Right click on desktop, New->Shortcut
  2. In new window type: shutdown /s /t 0
  3. Click Next and type any name you wish
  4. Double click on that icon and your Windows will fully shutdown and you will be able to run Ubuntu.
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