Ubuntu – Ubuntu will not allow me to add a repository, why can’t it access PPA


When I type in this command:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:webupd8team/java

The system echos something along the lines of "Can't access lanchpad.net PPA, please check your internet connection"

My Internet connection is working fine, and just to see if it would help I reset my modem and router. Still, no luck.

I have also tried to add this PPA via Ubuntu Software Center but that has not changed anything.

How do I get past this error? At this point I'm considering totally re-installing Ubuntu 13.04

Best Answer

try adding the source manually into /etc/apt/sources.list or do it through the software manager add sources. the option explained https://launchpad.net/~webupd8team/+archive/java in technical details about this ppa

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