Ubuntu – ‘Ubuntu Unity’ (for the Desktop)


Ok, so there's the buzz of Canonical (wanting to) switch for new Ubuntu version from the GNOME default desktop to their own Unity shell. (I hope that's accurate.)

It seems I can not totally fathom what Unity actually is. For looking at its homepage it currently is firmly targeted at netbooks and the somehow different usage model on these.

  • Is it a classical desktop? — Taskbar? Shortcuts?
  • Is the difference between Ubuntu(GNOME)+Unity more/less pronounced than the difference between Ubuntu and Kubuntu?
  • Will "my parents" be able to get the interface if they've been using the classical gnome desktop so far?

Edit: I would not like to split this up into more specific questions, as What is Unity? is exactly what the people I set up Ubuntu boxes for will ask me if they hear that the newer Ubuntu version is using that instead of the Desktop — and it might well happen someone phrases it like that 🙂

I will certainly not give them the link to the HP as the explanation there does not lay out if it is a desktop or something more or something less: (It does not for me – therefore I'm asking here.)

Unity is designed for netbooks and related touch-based devices. It
includes […] that makes it fast and
easy to access […] while removing
screen elements that are rarely used
in mobile and netbook computing.

(emphasis mine) — the explanation there doesn't even mention the desktop-PC!

Unity has a vertical task management
on the left-hand side and a menu
at the top of the screen. […]

This sounds like a re-themed normal desktop.

Clicking on an icon will give the
target application focus if it is
already running or launch it if it is
not already running. If you click the …

Aha. Sounds like Windows 7.

… icon of an application that already
has focus, Unity will activate an
Expose-style view of all the open
windows associated with that

No clue what that's supposed to be.

So it would really be nice if someone could explain for non desktop-design-terms experts what Unity is.

Best Answer

Unity is a desktop shell for GNOME. This is not the same as a totally new desktop environment. A desktop shell is the interface that you use. Unity will still use the same GNOME apps and libraries that the current desktop does. GNOME shell is an example of another shell for GNOME.

Unity is developed by Canonical for Ubuntu. It is dual licensed under the GPL and LGPL (version 3). It was originally developed for the netbook edition but is going to be modified to be suitable for the desktop.

Currently, it is not suitable for desktops.

It consists of a top bar, similar to the normal gnome-panel but not the same. Instead of the Applications/Places/System menus is an Ubuntu icon that opens up an overlay called the dash which allows launching of files, folders and applications. It also has a global menu, that embeds the File, Edit etc. menubar from applications into the panel. It shows the menu of the currently focussed window. When windows are maximised, their controls (close, minimise, restore) are embedded into the panel as well. These are space saving features. The desktop edition is planned to not have the global menu because on a large screen it would move the menu far away from the windows being used and so the user would have to move their mouse all the way to the top to get to the menus.

There is a launcher and dock on the left hand side of the screen. This can't be moved. It is planned that for the desktop edition it will be detachable and be able to go on any side of the screen. It is also likely to have an autohide feature.

The expose style feature is like the scale plugin for compiz. It gives you an overview of your windows and allows you to switch between them.

Unity for the netbook edition currently used the mutter window manager. This has had some performance problems so it is being replaced with compiz for better performance. It is planned that it should gracefully degrade if 3D accelerated hardware is not available.

Unity netbook interface:

alt text

The interface for the desktop is currently being discussed: Launchpad Blueprint