Ubuntu – Ubuntu touch – executable files won’t launch in /home directory


I just received a Meizu MX4 and have already started hacking away at it.
One problem I have run into involves not having permission to run executable scripts and files located in the home directory.

I understand that this is probably a security feature. The problem is I can't find a way to override it. The fstab entry for /home makes no mention of noexec:

/userdata/user-data /home none bind 0 0

I have tried explicitly remounting it with rw and exec options, (after remounting root as rw), I have tried playing about with chmod to no avail. Is there a way to fix to this?

I know there are workarounds – call an interpreter/ld-linux-armhf.so.3 to run the executable; move it to another directory and symlink to it from inside home. But I am looking for a way to explicitly run an executable inside /home.

Best Answer

Found an answer here: why ubuntu touch terminal cannot execute app

Apparently it has to do with the Terminal app's apparmor settings.

Run sudo nano `ls /var/lib/apparmor/profiles | grep "terminal"` and replace the lines indicated in the link with /** pix, (remember the comma, if omitted terminal app will stop working) and restart.