Ubuntu – ubuntu-server installation: is there a way to change the font size in BusyBox

16.04busyboxcommand lineserver

when installing ubuntu-server on a new laptop the default font of the installer and the BusyBox console is extremely small. is there a way to make it bigger while the system is running from a boot .iso?

there is a setfont command but i have not found out how to use it (yet?).

update: i got a little further but the font remains unchanged. what i did:

# udpkg -i /cdrom/pool/main/c/console-setup/console-setup-linux-fonts-udeb_*_all.deb
# # maybe 'udpkg -c ...'?
# cd /usr/share/consolefonts
# gunzip Lat38-VGA16.psf.gz  # or some other font
# setfont Lat38-VGA16.psf

Best Answer

busybox loadfont worked in desktop Xubuntu and to my understanding should do in Ubuntu servers too. I tested with another font but the result should be the same with Lat38-VGA16.

gunzip /usr/share/consolefonts/Lat15-TerminusBold14.psf.gz -c >/tmp/t
busybox loadfont </tmp/t
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