Ubuntu – Ubuntu randomly goes to sleep after I have closed the lid of the latop(to put it to sleep)


I am running Ubuntu 18 on a Razer blade Stealth 2017. I have it running side by side with windows 10.
I have experienced some issues with this and I have fixed all but one.

Whenever I want to put my laptop to sleep while using Linux, I would close the lid and it would go to sleep. Now when I come back, It would open and within 10 seconds it would go to sleep again, I then wake it up and log in and the process continues until I restart the system. This also happens if I just lock the screen for too long in my experience(without putting the lid down). This issue doesn't happen on windows so I doubt its a hardware problem.

I would love some help because the only workaround is to disable sleep mode.

When I run dmesg | grep sleep
i get a message that ACPI is preparing for sleep(S3), then that is it waking up.
This(the constant suspend problem) only happens after i manually suspend the system(by closing the lid).

Best Answer

After some more looking, I found this page https://github.com/rolandguelle/razer-blade-stealth-linux/blob/master/ubuntu-18-10.md It has many common bug fixes that have to do with the blade stealth.

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