Ubuntu – Ubuntu connection to TV problem


one problem. I was planning on watching a football match with my friends the other day, and i connected my laptop to the TV (we were streaming the match). So, what i thought would happen, was that i thought the content on the screen of the laptop will be projected onto the TV screen. But what happened was i had a totally independent workspace, desktop, or how it's called properly, on my TV, with the match playing on laptop only.
How can i set my laptop to project it's screen onto the TV?

edit: Ubuntu 12.04 64bit

Best Answer

Try with SUPER + P (Super is WINDOWS KEY)

If this doesn't works try with sudo apt-get install arandr and then open the screen layout editor you just installed with arandrcommand. Once you opened it you could place the second screen above the first to do the mirroring:

Mirroring on Ubuntu

Once you've dragged the second one over the first one (DVI-I-1 over DVI-I-0 in my case) you could save it with the check mark (✓)

Done, you've just mirrored your screen. Have fun watching footbal on TV with your friends!

Psst! Have you tried by simply dragging the football match window on the second screen?

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