Ubuntu – Ubuntu become very slow and unresponsive after upgrade to 12.04


After upgrading to 12.04, my system became terribly slow. Applications are running very slowly and become very unresponsive. I am not able to do anything. Before upgrading, it was running very good, even better than Windows.

I also often get errors when I try to run an application

What should I do? I want to make my Ubuntu work faster again. Please help me.

Best Answer

I had a problem with an upgrade a few years ago that made my laptop unusably slow. I eventually found the problem was a malfunctioning CPU frequency governor, which meant my system never got off its lowest CPU frequency. The problem went away when I made the system use the conservative governor by default instead of the ondemand one. For more on frequency scaling, see for example: https://idebian.wordpress.com/2008/06/22/cpu-frequency-scaling-in-linux/

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