Ubuntu – Ubuntu 20.04 Server install from USB – Sorry there was a problem completing the installation


New NUC10 (BXNUC10i5FNH4) with no operating system and downloaded a 20.04 Server ISO from Ubuntu. I used UNetBootin from https://unetbootin.github.io/ on Windows 10 to make a bootable USB stick for the 20.04 installer.

During the installation and after asking for my username and password, it displays an offer to install OpenSSH just before barfing with the sorry message (without waiting for my response to the OpenSSH offer) and splashes a Python traceback indicating a problem with subiquity.

I tried again with a 18.04 Server SIO to get the same error at a slightly different place but somewhere around where Heroku could be selected as an installation package (according to the Python traceback on 18.04)

I guess it is the new hardware and I'll be stuck until NUC10 is supported.

Can anyone help?

Best Answer

For me (on an unbranded PC with Celeron 3865U) none of the solutions here worked. Tried rufus, unetbootbin, universal usb. All lead to same problem. Also 18.04 throws the very same error. Eventually I got around this by installing 16.04 and upgrading to 18.04 and finally to 20.04.

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