Ubuntu – Ubuntu 20.04, every boot makes a very long filesystem check


I have upgraded the system from 19.10 to 20.04.
The installation is dual boot. When I turn on the system every time it checks the filesystem using 80/90 seconds since it starts running Ubuntu from the Grub. Also compare the writing "press Ctrl-c to cancel the checks in progress on the filesystem" which lasts 45/50 seconds (of the 80/90 mentioned above).
The Ctrl-c command has no effect, during the update there is no progress information and in the end no results.
Tune2fs tells me that Ubuntu's 2 filesystems (/ and / home on two different partitions) are "clean".
With 19.10 and even earlier with 18.04 this did not happen, there is no success with the other PCs to which I have yet to make progress.
Anyone have any ideas?
thank you all

Best Answer

Removing Disk Check From 20.04 Boot

The command line option fsck.mode=skip can be used to skip the disk check when booting Ubuntu 20.04.

The line Checking disks: 0% complete may still come up but fsck will not be run, nor will boot time be increased.

Add fsck.mode=skip to the linux line in grub.cfg just before quiet splash

It is recommended that we add the command to grub.cfg by editing /etc/default/grub thus: GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="fsck.mode=skip quiet splash" and then run sudo update-grub.

I have had this problem with a Live USB but not with an installed system.

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