Nvidia – Ubuntu 19.04 Won’t Boot with Nvidia Proprietary Drivers (418)


I upgraded today from 18.04 to 19.04, and after the installation my system refused to boot (it was stuck on that black screen with the green [ok] lines). I then installed it without the third party extras, and it booted normally, but as soon as I installed the most recent nvidia drivers from the software & updates menu, it refused to boot again.
Right now i'm using the nouveau drivers without problems, but I still want to update them to be able to play my games. How can I solve this problem?
My GPU is a GTX 1060 6GB.
Thanks in advance

Best Answer

According to this link, in order to have the Nvidia drivers working, you have to disable wayland.
To do so:

  • Open custom.conf to edit it:

    Choose your preferred text editor (for example gedit or nano) then run:

    sudo gedit /etc/gdm3/custom.conf
  • Edit the file:

    You will find the line #WaylandEnable=false commented, to un-comment it, remove the '#' in the beginning of the line.

  • Apply the changes:

    To have these changes applied, save the edits, then reboot your computer.