Ubuntu – Ubuntu 18.04 with unity – Alt+Shift to switch keyboard language layout fails on resume from suspend


I have Ubuntu 18.04 but I installed unity with it.

I have configured switching keyboard languages using ALT+SHIFT using the Text Entry Settings.

However, whenever I restart the computer and the OS starts, it does not work. If I go to the settings again, the ALT+SHIFT still appears there, however only when I clear and re-set this it works again, until I restart again.

gsettings get org.gnome.desktop.input-sources xkb-options



This left alt and left shift I configured with the GNOME Tweak Tool as I found in another question, but it did not help either.

I found that this problems occurs only after the computer wakes up after being suspended. If I restart the computer then it works well and ALT+SHIFT successfully changes the keyboard language.

Did anyone face this issue? Can you help me to solve this annoying problem?

Thank you.

Best Answer

I haven't found anything better than changing ALT+Shift to Shift+ALT in Text Entry Settings and it's still working after wake up