Ubuntu – Ubuntu 18.04 stuck on verbose screen on startup


I had done a sudo apt-get upgrade and was installing some packages (truffle, nodejs) when my laptop stopped responding and applications were not opening so I restarted it and when it booted it got stuck in the verbose boot screen and blinking intermittently.

All were showing [OK] so I pressed ALT + F2 and was able to login but it showed a few python value errors:

ValueError: could not convert string to float: '6.06 LTS'

How can I fix this and complete the boot sequence please help?

Best Answer

After logging into the console look edit this file:


And around line 41 you will see:

RELEASES_ORDER.sort(key=lambda n: float(n[0]))

Change it to:

RELEASES_ORDER.sort(key=lambda n: float(n[0].split()[0]))

Source: lsb_release - could not convert string to float: '8.04 LTS'

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