Ubuntu – Ubuntu 18.04.1 LTS, Dumthe output, no sound


I connected my PC to my TV via HDMI and had to set the default video and audio outputs to the TV, everything worked fine, but after I disconnected, the video playback speed was at 0.5x and the audio was not working. I don't really remeber how I fixed the video playback speed, just that it was pretty simple, but the audio never worked again.

I've tried the answers provided in these questions:

But none was able to get my audio back working.

Audio via bluetooth devices works fine. Please help, I'm new to Ubuntu, and Linux in general, and this is starting to get really annoying.

Best Answer

Similar instance of problem here on a v18.04 box; alsa output works, but pulse is just Dummy Ouput.

This seems to bring back pulseaudio without rebooting. First close any programs using pulseaudio, then as a regular user run:

pulseaudio --kill; sleep 2s; sudo alsa force-reload ; pulseaudio --start

Then play a sound file.

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