Ubuntu – Ubuntu 17.10 fails to boot with AMD graphics card


I have been running 17.04 with the amdgpu driver. After upgrading to 17.10, it boots to a deep purple (blank) screen. I have whole disk encryption, so it would normally show a password prompt at this point.

The graphics card is Radeon R9 290X.

When resetting the computer, it boots to the GRUB menu, and I've tried different options:

  • Kernel 4.10.0-37 works, but stops before the boot process finishes (Starting GNOME). No graphics or login prompt.
  • Kernel 4.13.0-16 in recovery mode takes me to the recovery menu.
    • Resume: Prompts for a password for my drives. It times out before I can enter all the passwords*, and it takes me back to the recovery menu. Resume again gives a blank screen. If I first drop to root shell and do systemctl start dev-mapper-pool, then enter passwords, then exit the shell and choose resume, I can get to a basic desktop with low graphics. I can log in,etc,. This is a huge improvement for me!
    • failsafeX: Boots to the oh so familiar low graphics screen, but none of the options help me.
    • root shell: This works. I can also remount read-write. I uninstalled some AMDGPU-PRO packages I had for OpenCL support, but it doesn't make a difference.

I have got this purple screen before, but it's usually fixed in a matter of uninstalling some AMD driver I've tried. Now, I can't see what to do..

*I have the same PW on all drives, and normally it only prompts once for the PW, now it asks for each drive.

Best Answer

Uninstall radeon using the command


It worked for me. Then type

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