Ubuntu – Ubuntu 16.10 Wifi Trouble – RT2561/RT61


I've used Ubuntu before, but I'm still very new. I just installed 16.10 on a new computer yesterday, and the Wi-Fi has been considerably slower than my Windows laptop. I put the computer together mainly to play Dota 2, and I experience decent ping but constant 5%-10% packet loss while playing. Occasionally, after the computer has been left on for a while, the Wi-Fi connection will drop completely- I can still see networks in the drop down menu, including my home network, but my computer will not reconnect without a reboot. I've looked all over for a solution, but my inexperience has prevented me from getting anything to work. My Wi-Fi card is a Ralink RT2561/RT61, here's some info

The output of sudo lshw -C network

        description: Wireless interface
        product: RT2561/RT61 802.11g PCI
        vendor: Ralink corp.
        physical id: 6
        bus info: pci@0000:01:06.0
        logical name: wlp1s6
        version: 00
        serial: 00:0e:2e:de:df:c0
        width: 32 bits
        clock: 33MHz
        capabilities: pm bus_master cap_list ethernet physical wireless
        configuration: broadcast=yes driver=rt61pci driverversion=4.8.0-22-generic firmware=0.8 ip=
 latency=64 link=yes multicast=yes wireless=IEEE 802.11
        resources: irq:17 memory:dfef8000-dfefffff

Here is the output of sudo iwconfig:

        description: Wireless interface
        product: RT2561/RT61 802.11g PCI
        vendor: Ralink corp.
        physical id: 6
        bus info: pci@0000:01:06.0
        logical name: wlp1s6
        version: 00
        serial: 00:0e:2e:de:df:c0
        width: 32 bits
        clock: 33MHz
        capabilities: pm bus_master cap_list ethernet physical wireless
        configuration: broadcast=yes driver=rt61pci driverversion=4.8.0-22-generic firmware=0.8 ip=
 latency=64 link=yes multicast=yes wireless=IEEE 802.11
        resources: irq:17 memory:dfef8000-dfefffff

I'm at a loss, I'm very bad at this. If any additional info is needed I can provide it

Best Answer

I have a RT2561/RT61 and I finally solved this problem by:

Edit this file as root:

sudo nano /etc/NetworkManager/conf.d/default-wifi-powersave-on.conf

Changing wifi.powersave = 3 to wifi.powersave = 2, which will disable powersave (as mentioned before, from github)

And then restart the network manager as root:

sudo systemctl restart NetworkManager

You don't need to reboot. You can now connect to your wifi device

(This answer is a compilation of previous answers, this method should be highlighted as it saved me from buying hardware)

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