Ubuntu – Ubuntu 16.04 – VirtualBox 5.0 – Host crashes


Without performing any update, suddenly today when I tried to power on a VM in VirtualBox, the host machine (running Ubuntu 16.04) freezed.

  • I tried couple of times and the problem keep repeating.

  • I run memtest: all good

  • Tried to create a new VM just in case: same issue.

  • Downgraded the VirtualBox installation: didn't help at all.
  • Disabled network, shared folders etc: Nothing.

On the same machine I've also got Windows 10 in dual boot. I've got couple of VMs there in VBox and VMWare. Just to minimize the probability of any HW issue, I started the VMs there and they work just fine.

Any idea?

The only way to recover the host was to hard-reset.

ps: The freeze happens as soon as I click the "Start" button.

Host details:

  • VirtualBox: Version 5.0.40_Ubuntu

  • Kernel: 4.13.0-26-generic

  • Guest: irrelevant (windows 10, OpenSuse, CentOS)

  • The log file of VirtualBox is empty.

Best Answer

Figured it out after following:


(Had to upgrade VBox to 5.2 and all worked ok)

In case you need it, had also to follow : VirtualBox - RTR3InitEx failed with rc=-1912 (rc=-1912) in order to completely uninstall all the previous installations

There was a silent security update that caused old VirtualBox installations (older than 5.2) to hang the entire host.