Ubuntu – Ubuntu 16.04 : Gnome Ubuntu Software Doesn’t Open At All


Expected : When I click on Ubuntu Software icon in taskbar or dash, it should open the software center.

Actual : The loading cursor comes in for few seconds and nothing happens. No window. Nothing.

A process for gnome-software is found in System Monitor though.

Tried : Re-installing gnome-software-common. Doesn't solve the issue.

sudo apt-get --reinstall install gnome-software-common



Running gnome-software from terminal shows following output.

(gnome-software:11311): Gs-WARNING **: failed to open plugin /usr/lib/gs-plugins-9/libgs_plugin_xdg_app_reviews.so: /usr/lib/gs-plugins-9/libgs_plugin_xdg_app_reviews.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

I found out that it was indeed reported but no solution to those reports too.

Best Answer

You can install the classic 'Package Manager' : sudo apt-get install synaptic

If no visible launcher, please start synaptic with : synaptic-pkexec

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