Ubuntu – Ubuntu 14.04 screen resolution too low (SiS 671 graphics card)


I just installed Ubuntu 14.04 but my screen resolution is set too low: I tried to add a new one but i keep getting

xrandr: Failed to get size of gamma for output default

I tried :

$ xrandr -q
xrandr: Failed to get size of gamma for output default
Screen 0: minimum 640 x 480, current 640 x 480, maximum 640 x 480
default connected primary 640x480+0+0 0mm x 0mm
   640x480        73.0* 
  1024x768_60.00 (0x194)   63.5MHz
        h: width  1024 start 1072 end 1176 total 1328 skew    0 clock   47.8KHz
        v: height  768 start  771 end  775 total  798           clock   59.9Hz

(I didn't have this problem on Ubuntu 13.10 13.04 12.04)

$ xrandr --newmode "1024x768_60.00"   63.50  1024 1072 1176 1328  768 771 775 798 -hsync +vsync
xrandr: Failed to get size of gamma for output default

$ lspci | grep VGA
01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: Silicon Integrated Systems [SiS] 771/671 PCIE VGA Display Adapter (rev 10)

I did an update yesterday on my Ubuntu 12.04 and it ruined my screen resolution due to something about 1204_HWE_EOL

I'm back to Ubuntu 14.04 and the only way to get a nice screen resolution is to start from the recovery menu then resume boot.

Best Answer

I was having the same issue with the resolution. I'm using VirtualBox and the resolution only had one resolution option.

  1. I went to the search bar and searched for Additional drivers
  2. Next, I clicked on using x86 virtualization solution - guest addition module source for dkms
  3. Finally, I restarted the virtual machine running Ubuntu.

As soon as it booted back up the resolution was already fixed.

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