Ubuntu Freeze – Fix Random Freezes on Dell Precision M4500 with Ubuntu 14.04


I know this has been asked several times, but many of them are tagged as duplicates and sent back to what should I do if the computer freezes. I don't want the computer to freeze and only want those methods as a last resort, not something I have to do every time I boot up!

I am dual booting and Windows works fine. I was wondering if perhaps it was trying to do something with the nVidia driver on the comp? (It's a Dell Precision M4500 laptop). It just happens to randomly freeze sometimes, no idea what causes it. It just froze when reading an article online (not taxing the system at all). It also froze once when I shut the lid to the laptop and only the mouse was working.

It has frozen several other times as well. Is there perhaps a driver I should install (I have no idea where I would get that) or something else? I would really like to fix this without having to disable the graphics card and "knowing" how to restart it when it freezes. As I said before I know their are several other posts similar to this, but I didnt see any that really helped me all that much.

Edit: After installing the "current nVidia driver" from the Ubuntu Software Center it has been running very smoothly and I have not had any freezing issues. If anybody is having the same problem you should definitely try this. Thanks for the help guys 🙂

Best Answer

I use Ubuntu 14.04 and at first I had this problem. I installed nVIDIA driver on My Ubuntu and it has never freeze since I install nVIDIA driver on it. nVIDIA driver is available in Ubuntu Software Center. Hope it helps.

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