Ubuntu 14.04 – Fix Missing Minimize, Maximize, and Close Buttons in LibreOffice Writer


Window menu for LibreOffice Writer is locked under Unity global menu bar.

If I go in System Settings → Appearance → Behavior and I checked "Show the menu for a window in the window's title bar" then no menu is visible for LibreOffice Writer. Also the LibreOffice Writer's window cannot be dragged with mouse from the global menu.

What should I do to solve these problems: unlock the office menu (to have visible minimize, maximize and close buttons) and to be able to drag the window? Thank you.

Best Answer


The keyboard shortcut to move a window is Alt+F7

To use this, click somewhere within the misbehaving libreoffice window to make sure it has focus.

Then use the keyboard short cut. The mouse grab will occur - just move you mouse downwards to move the window from under the panel.

Other useful shortcuts can be viewed in the System Settings - Keyboard window

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