Ubuntu – Ubuntu 12.10, cannot resize any window


I am using the unity interface and i usally work with maximized windows.
However lately i noticed that i cannot resize windows.
I can get them maximized and to normal state.

When in normal state i move the mouse to the border and the cursor changes to the "resize cursor" but then nothing happens when trying to drag the border.

Starting a guest session i can see that resizing works so it has something to do with my profile.

Lately i used gsettings to disable overlay scrollbars but even resetting to default values does not solve the problem and i am not pretty sure the problem started after using gsettings.

Any solution that does not require resetting everyting?

As an extreme measure what files should i delete to reset the profile settings?


Best Answer

first let's reset compiz and gsettings to default. Press Ctrl-Alt-t. In the terminal run:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:amith/ubuntutools
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install unity-reset



For tweaking ubuntu install: ... ubuntu-tweak

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:tualatrix/ppa 
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install ubuntu-tweak

In the dash search for "ubuntu tweak"

Once open, click Tweaks tab, then Miscellaneous, then toggle Overlay scrollbars off

enter image description here

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